National Board of Directors
The National Board of Directors governs the organization, provides oversight, policy, direction, and organizational alignment with the mission, vision, motto, and values of the Sorority. The board is comprised of seven directors who oversee the Executive Office and 12 volunteer Chapter Advisors.
Rachel Allen,
rallen@sigmaaepi.comDawn Savage
Past President
dsavage@sigmaaepi.comAlexandra Morris
President Elect
Shaina Fischer
Regional Governor - East
sfischer@sigmaaepi.comMelissa Oxenhandler
Regional Governor - West moxenhandler@sigmaaepi.comDeborah Joseph Friedman
djoseph@sigmaaepi.comHannah Kaufman
Executive Office
The Executive Office is the professionally staffed body of the organization and oversees the day-to-day operations of the Sorority. The office objectives are to deliver: chapter services and support, organizational growth, funding acquisition and donor relations, Jewish & Fraternity/Sorority Community relationship building, communications/social media, national event planning, budgeting and overall fiscal health, and member development and retention.